Each extended key has 2^31 normal child keys and 2^31 hardened child keys. // Thus the range for normal child keys is [0, 2^31 - 1] and the range for hardened. Skachat_audirovanie_dlya_5_ klassa _po_angliyskomu_yazyiku_audio_i_tekst_skachat_0LP2TU.exe 1.22 MB; 喜欢: skachat audirovanie dlya klassa angliyskomu yazyiku.

Similar words:  (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) sa subject to approval noun na utverzhdenie- podlezhit utverzhdeniyu saA Systems Application Architecture, arhitektura sistemnyh prilozhenii (predlozhena firmoi IBM dlya soedineniya razlichnyh platform v seti) saC 1> (_sokr. Ot Strategic Air Command) strategicheskoe voennoe komandovanie (VVS SShA) saDD Students Against Drunk Driving noun 'Studenty protiv vozhdeniya v netrezvom sostoyanii' saLT 1> (_sokr. Ot Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) peregovory po ogranicheniyu strategicheskih vooruzhenii, peregovory OSV _Ex: saLT-1 peregovory OSV-1; peregovory OSV pervogo etapa 2> (_sokr. Ot Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) (sovetsko-amerikanskie) dogovorennosti po ogranicheniyu strategicheskih vooruzhenii _Ex: saLT-2 dogovorennosti OSV-2 3> (_sokr. Ot Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) _razg. Dogovor po ogranicheniyu strategicheskih vooruzhenii _Ex: to ratify saLT-2 ratificirovat' dogovor OSV-2 saM 1> _voen.

Ot surface-to-air missile) raketa klassa 'zemlya-vozduh'; zenitnaya upravlyaemaya raketa, ZUR; zenitnyi upravlyaemyi snaryad, ZUS saR Syrian Arab Republic noun Siriiskaya Arabskaya Respublika saR; *1. Shift Arithmetic Right; *2.

Successive Approximation Register saS; *1. Sales Accounting System; *2. Single Audio System; *3. Single Attachment Station, stanciya s edinstvennym podklyucheniem (k seti) saSE Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope noun vlozhennyi v pis'mo konvert s obratnym adresom otpravitelya i markoi saV saved (file name extension) sabaean 1> sabei, priverzhenec sabeizma, zvezdopoklonnik sabaism 1> _rel.

Sabeizm (kul't nebesnyh svetil) sabaoth 1> _bibl. Rat', voinstvo _Ex: the Lord (God) of sabaoth Bog Savaof, gospod' sil sabbatarian 1> _rel. Evrei, soblyudayushii subbotu 2> _rel. Hristianin, soblyudayushii voskresen'e 3> _rel. Subbotnik 4> _rel.

Kosaya Liniya Shablon Naklon Dlya Pervogo Klassa

Adventist sed'mogo dnya sabbath 1> _rel. Svyashennyi den' otdohnoveniya (subbota - u evreev, voskresen'e - u hristian, pyatnica - u magometan) _Ex: to keep the sabbath soblyudat' subbotu ili voskresen'e 2>Darzamat diskografiya torrent. (s.) _knizh. Pokoi, otdohnovenie _Ex: the sabbath of the tomb pokoi mogily 3> (s.) shabash (ved'm) (tzh. Witches' sabbath) sabbath school 1> voskresnaya cerkovnaya shkola _Id: sabbath school truth propisnaya istina sabbath-breaker 1> _neodobr.


Each extended key has 2^31 normal child keys and 2^31 hardened child keys. // Thus the range for normal child keys is [0, 2^31 - 1] and the range for hardened. Skachat_audirovanie_dlya_5_ klassa _po_angliyskomu_yazyiku_audio_i_tekst_skachat_0LP2TU.exe 1.22 MB; 喜欢: skachat audirovanie dlya klassa angliyskomu yazyiku.

Similar words:  (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) sa subject to approval noun na utverzhdenie- podlezhit utverzhdeniyu saA Systems Application Architecture, arhitektura sistemnyh prilozhenii (predlozhena firmoi IBM dlya soedineniya razlichnyh platform v seti) saC 1> (_sokr. Ot Strategic Air Command) strategicheskoe voennoe komandovanie (VVS SShA) saDD Students Against Drunk Driving noun 'Studenty protiv vozhdeniya v netrezvom sostoyanii' saLT 1> (_sokr. Ot Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) peregovory po ogranicheniyu strategicheskih vooruzhenii, peregovory OSV _Ex: saLT-1 peregovory OSV-1; peregovory OSV pervogo etapa 2> (_sokr. Ot Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) (sovetsko-amerikanskie) dogovorennosti po ogranicheniyu strategicheskih vooruzhenii _Ex: saLT-2 dogovorennosti OSV-2 3> (_sokr. Ot Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) _razg. Dogovor po ogranicheniyu strategicheskih vooruzhenii _Ex: to ratify saLT-2 ratificirovat' dogovor OSV-2 saM 1> _voen.

Ot surface-to-air missile) raketa klassa 'zemlya-vozduh'; zenitnaya upravlyaemaya raketa, ZUR; zenitnyi upravlyaemyi snaryad, ZUS saR Syrian Arab Republic noun Siriiskaya Arabskaya Respublika saR; *1. Shift Arithmetic Right; *2.

Successive Approximation Register saS; *1. Sales Accounting System; *2. Single Audio System; *3. Single Attachment Station, stanciya s edinstvennym podklyucheniem (k seti) saSE Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope noun vlozhennyi v pis'mo konvert s obratnym adresom otpravitelya i markoi saV saved (file name extension) sabaean 1> sabei, priverzhenec sabeizma, zvezdopoklonnik sabaism 1> _rel.

Sabeizm (kul't nebesnyh svetil) sabaoth 1> _bibl. Rat', voinstvo _Ex: the Lord (God) of sabaoth Bog Savaof, gospod' sil sabbatarian 1> _rel. Evrei, soblyudayushii subbotu 2> _rel. Hristianin, soblyudayushii voskresen'e 3> _rel. Subbotnik 4> _rel.

Kosaya Liniya Shablon Naklon Dlya Pervogo Klassa

Adventist sed'mogo dnya sabbath 1> _rel. Svyashennyi den' otdohnoveniya (subbota - u evreev, voskresen'e - u hristian, pyatnica - u magometan) _Ex: to keep the sabbath soblyudat' subbotu ili voskresen'e 2>Darzamat diskografiya torrent. (s.) _knizh. Pokoi, otdohnovenie _Ex: the sabbath of the tomb pokoi mogily 3> (s.) shabash (ved'm) (tzh. Witches' sabbath) sabbath school 1> voskresnaya cerkovnaya shkola _Id: sabbath school truth propisnaya istina sabbath-breaker 1> _neodobr.