Ermolaeva G.A. Spravochnik rabotnika laboratorii pivovarennogo predpriyatiya [Hand book of brewery laboratory assistant]. Petersburg: Professija Publ.,. Frank Rat Trebovaniya k kachestvu pivovarennogo yachmenya i ikh znachenie v protsessakh solodorashcheniya i pivovareniya. Materialy VLB-seminara «Syr'evaya baza dlya solodovennogo i pivovarennogo proizvodstva» (Pereslavl'-Zalesskii, 2-4 iyunya 2010 g.).

• • • • Influence of grain germination mode Influence of grain germination mode on the malt enzymatic activity of the Vyatsky naked oat Pages: 46-52., post-graduate student,, DSc in technical sciences, professor, head of cathedra,, Ph.D., associate professor Saint-Petersburg State Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia E-mail: msch18_25@mail.ru Gluten-free naked oats is an advanced cereal grain for the production of dietary, functional and specialized food products. An analysis of 13 varieties of naked oats breeding in North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov has showed that all of them belong to gluten-free raw material.

Malt produced from these oats and its derivative products can be used for people with celiac disease. Due to the fact that germination technology of naked oats in Russia is absent the influence of malting temperature on cytolytic and proteolytic dissolution of the grain as main technological parameter of the germination process was studied. It is shown that for short malt with germination duration 3 days increasing of temperature from 7 to 19 ° C results in decreasing of β-glucan in wort from 1020 to 757 mg/l. The same time proteolysis occurs, so Kolbah number increases in two times and concentration of amino nitrogen in the wort increases in 3.4 times (from 34 to 117 mg/l). Malt extract content defined in a coarse grinds increases from 57.1 to 74.5%.

Thus, physic-chemical characteristics of malt from Vyatsky naked oats with germination duration 3 days, temperature 18-19 ° C are not inferior to commercial malt produced from gluten-containing naked oat with germination duration 5-6 days, temperature 14-15°C. Keywords: naked oats, grain, oat malt, malting, germination, soaking, cytolysis, proteolysis, enzyme activity References 1.

Funktsional'nye napitki i napitki spetsial'nogo naznacheniya. [Functional beverages and beverages for special purposes].

From English. SPb.: Profession, 2010. Belkina R.I., Marikova M.I. Tekhnologicheskie i biokhimicheskie svoystva zerna ovsa v usloviyakh severnogo Zaural'ya. Serial key for chord pickout. [Technological and biochemical properties of oats grain in the conditions of the northern Trans-Urals]. Agrarnyy vestnik Urala.

Kozlova G.Ya., Akimova O.V. Sravnitel'naya otsenka golozernykh i plenchatykh sortov ovsa po osnovnym pokazatelyam kachestva zerna. [Comparative evaluation of naked and hulled varieties of oats and the main indicators of grain quality]. Windows 7 glass theme for xp. Sel'skokhozyaystvennaya biologiya. Batalova G.A. Perspektivy i rezul'taty selektsii golozernogo ovsa. [Prospects and results of naked oats selection].


Ermolaeva G.A. Spravochnik rabotnika laboratorii pivovarennogo predpriyatiya [Hand book of brewery laboratory assistant]. Petersburg: Professija Publ.,. Frank Rat Trebovaniya k kachestvu pivovarennogo yachmenya i ikh znachenie v protsessakh solodorashcheniya i pivovareniya. Materialy VLB-seminara «Syr'evaya baza dlya solodovennogo i pivovarennogo proizvodstva» (Pereslavl'-Zalesskii, 2-4 iyunya 2010 g.).

• • • • Influence of grain germination mode Influence of grain germination mode on the malt enzymatic activity of the Vyatsky naked oat Pages: 46-52., post-graduate student,, DSc in technical sciences, professor, head of cathedra,, Ph.D., associate professor Saint-Petersburg State Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia E-mail: msch18_25@mail.ru Gluten-free naked oats is an advanced cereal grain for the production of dietary, functional and specialized food products. An analysis of 13 varieties of naked oats breeding in North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov has showed that all of them belong to gluten-free raw material.

Malt produced from these oats and its derivative products can be used for people with celiac disease. Due to the fact that germination technology of naked oats in Russia is absent the influence of malting temperature on cytolytic and proteolytic dissolution of the grain as main technological parameter of the germination process was studied. It is shown that for short malt with germination duration 3 days increasing of temperature from 7 to 19 ° C results in decreasing of β-glucan in wort from 1020 to 757 mg/l. The same time proteolysis occurs, so Kolbah number increases in two times and concentration of amino nitrogen in the wort increases in 3.4 times (from 34 to 117 mg/l). Malt extract content defined in a coarse grinds increases from 57.1 to 74.5%.

Thus, physic-chemical characteristics of malt from Vyatsky naked oats with germination duration 3 days, temperature 18-19 ° C are not inferior to commercial malt produced from gluten-containing naked oat with germination duration 5-6 days, temperature 14-15°C. Keywords: naked oats, grain, oat malt, malting, germination, soaking, cytolysis, proteolysis, enzyme activity References 1.

Funktsional'nye napitki i napitki spetsial'nogo naznacheniya. [Functional beverages and beverages for special purposes].

From English. SPb.: Profession, 2010. Belkina R.I., Marikova M.I. Tekhnologicheskie i biokhimicheskie svoystva zerna ovsa v usloviyakh severnogo Zaural'ya. Serial key for chord pickout. [Technological and biochemical properties of oats grain in the conditions of the northern Trans-Urals]. Agrarnyy vestnik Urala.

Kozlova G.Ya., Akimova O.V. Sravnitel'naya otsenka golozernykh i plenchatykh sortov ovsa po osnovnym pokazatelyam kachestva zerna. [Comparative evaluation of naked and hulled varieties of oats and the main indicators of grain quality]. Windows 7 glass theme for xp. Sel'skokhozyaystvennaya biologiya. Batalova G.A. Perspektivy i rezul'taty selektsii golozernogo ovsa. [Prospects and results of naked oats selection].