Anarchism 无政府主义 autism 自閉症 albedo 反照率 Abu Dhabi 阿布達比 a A Alabama 亚拉巴马州 Achilles 阿奇里斯 Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕林肯 Aristotle.

• • • • • • • • ->:: Author Message OakleyJB New Member Joined: 08 May 2015 Posts: 6 Location: Gloucester, VA Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 5:54 pm Post subject: High schooler - summer practice material? Hello everyone. I am a high school junior, going into my senior year in just a few months. I recently made a post on here asking for advice. Here is the post I made: Quote: Hello all! Evgenij onegin filjm 1999. After being a long-time lurker, I've decided to come forward and ask you all directly for advice. Backstory: I'm currently a high school junior (16 years old).

There are two other junior trumpet players, and no senior ones. Out of us three juniors, for the first chair test this year (November 2014), one of them got 1st chair and the other got 2nd chair, while I got 8th. On the second chair test this year (January 2015), they both maintained their 1st and 2nd chair spots (both of them waiting until the day of the test to begin practicing for it), while I only moved to up 6th chair. For the concert music we play, there's 3 different trumpet parts: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

You guys know the whole deal. Well, our 1st chair trumpet has played 1st part since 9th grade and he's always been near the top. Our 2nd chair trumpet has played 1st part since the very beginning of last year, our sophomore year. Here we are, almost to senior year, and I'm still stuck on 2nd part because I never do well on chair tests. I've gone through months of constant ridicule from the other two juniors.

I've been told 'stop playing, you sound like crap', I've been scornfully asked 'how hard is it to play WELL?' , I've been told 'you being first chair is the stupidest thing I've ever heard', and so much more. Tri metra nad urovnem neba na anglijskom yazike smotretj onlajn. I've never been so discouraged with something I love doing, but I'm now starting to care less about what the others think of me, and just focus on the music and improving myself. What I wanted to ask you all is: - What should I work on as a musician altogether? Mentally or physically. - What should I practice to improve my playing? - How often should I practice?

- What exercises would be beneficial to my playing? I'm looking for as much advice I can get, even if you feel it's unrelated. Seriously, ANY and ALL advice is wanted and is much appreciated. The advice I got from the people on here was wonderful and truly helpful. What I wanted to ask you guys specifically this time is: What specific books/exercises you would recommend I practice?

I start my summer vacation in a few days and I want to make the most out of it, and practice as much as I can. I just want to hear from you guys what material you would recommend that I practice. _________________ Oakley dstdenis Heavyweight Member Joined: 25 May 2013 Posts: 2061 Location: Atlanta GA Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 6:42 pm Post subject: Hello, It would be a wild guess to recommend specific studies without having heard you play to know your current level of development.

It also would help to know if you have any trumpet books now, like Arban or the Vizzutti trumpet method vol 1-3, and whether you feel like this material is within reach or you need to work with something easier. You might check with your band director to get recommendations for a reputable local trumpet teacher who could evaluate your playing and suggest a summer practice program for you. Broadly speaking, I would recommend you spend some time on basics to make sure you have a good foundation for playing and also work on expanding your skills in key areas (scales, articulation, finger flexibilities, lip flexibilities, lyrical studies, etudes that test your accuracy and agility, etc.). There are lots of fun books that have this kind of material, but I think you'd get more useful specific guidance from a teacher who could work with you in person, at least for a lesson or two. _________________ Bb Yamaha Xeno 8335IIS Cornet Getzen Custom 3850S Flugelhorn Courtois 155R Piccolo Stomvi trumpetplayer0103 Regular Member Joined: 03 Mar 2014 Posts: 51 Location: Austin, Texas Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 6:59 pm Post subject: All you really need is a few books to improve your playing if you understand what each exercise does.

There are many resouces online that can teach you how to play trumpet easily and efficiently. Be a good trumpet student! It's never too late to become really good at trumpet.

As a freshman, I moved from my school's third band to the top band, and became the best by the end of sophomore year. It's all about consistent practice with specific goals in mind. To learn more about trumpet playing, I recommend looking at Pops McLaughlin's website and videos. Buy his e-book, Tensionless Playing. There are no exercises, but it is an invaluable resource.


Anarchism 无政府主义 autism 自閉症 albedo 反照率 Abu Dhabi 阿布達比 a A Alabama 亚拉巴马州 Achilles 阿奇里斯 Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕林肯 Aristotle.

• • • • • • • • ->:: Author Message OakleyJB New Member Joined: 08 May 2015 Posts: 6 Location: Gloucester, VA Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 5:54 pm Post subject: High schooler - summer practice material? Hello everyone. I am a high school junior, going into my senior year in just a few months. I recently made a post on here asking for advice. Here is the post I made: Quote: Hello all! Evgenij onegin filjm 1999. After being a long-time lurker, I've decided to come forward and ask you all directly for advice. Backstory: I'm currently a high school junior (16 years old).

There are two other junior trumpet players, and no senior ones. Out of us three juniors, for the first chair test this year (November 2014), one of them got 1st chair and the other got 2nd chair, while I got 8th. On the second chair test this year (January 2015), they both maintained their 1st and 2nd chair spots (both of them waiting until the day of the test to begin practicing for it), while I only moved to up 6th chair. For the concert music we play, there's 3 different trumpet parts: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

You guys know the whole deal. Well, our 1st chair trumpet has played 1st part since 9th grade and he's always been near the top. Our 2nd chair trumpet has played 1st part since the very beginning of last year, our sophomore year. Here we are, almost to senior year, and I'm still stuck on 2nd part because I never do well on chair tests. I've gone through months of constant ridicule from the other two juniors.

I've been told 'stop playing, you sound like crap', I've been scornfully asked 'how hard is it to play WELL?' , I've been told 'you being first chair is the stupidest thing I've ever heard', and so much more. Tri metra nad urovnem neba na anglijskom yazike smotretj onlajn. I've never been so discouraged with something I love doing, but I'm now starting to care less about what the others think of me, and just focus on the music and improving myself. What I wanted to ask you all is: - What should I work on as a musician altogether? Mentally or physically. - What should I practice to improve my playing? - How often should I practice?

- What exercises would be beneficial to my playing? I'm looking for as much advice I can get, even if you feel it's unrelated. Seriously, ANY and ALL advice is wanted and is much appreciated. The advice I got from the people on here was wonderful and truly helpful. What I wanted to ask you guys specifically this time is: What specific books/exercises you would recommend I practice?

I start my summer vacation in a few days and I want to make the most out of it, and practice as much as I can. I just want to hear from you guys what material you would recommend that I practice. _________________ Oakley dstdenis Heavyweight Member Joined: 25 May 2013 Posts: 2061 Location: Atlanta GA Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 6:42 pm Post subject: Hello, It would be a wild guess to recommend specific studies without having heard you play to know your current level of development.

It also would help to know if you have any trumpet books now, like Arban or the Vizzutti trumpet method vol 1-3, and whether you feel like this material is within reach or you need to work with something easier. You might check with your band director to get recommendations for a reputable local trumpet teacher who could evaluate your playing and suggest a summer practice program for you. Broadly speaking, I would recommend you spend some time on basics to make sure you have a good foundation for playing and also work on expanding your skills in key areas (scales, articulation, finger flexibilities, lip flexibilities, lyrical studies, etudes that test your accuracy and agility, etc.). There are lots of fun books that have this kind of material, but I think you'd get more useful specific guidance from a teacher who could work with you in person, at least for a lesson or two. _________________ Bb Yamaha Xeno 8335IIS Cornet Getzen Custom 3850S Flugelhorn Courtois 155R Piccolo Stomvi trumpetplayer0103 Regular Member Joined: 03 Mar 2014 Posts: 51 Location: Austin, Texas Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 6:59 pm Post subject: All you really need is a few books to improve your playing if you understand what each exercise does.

There are many resouces online that can teach you how to play trumpet easily and efficiently. Be a good trumpet student! It's never too late to become really good at trumpet.

As a freshman, I moved from my school's third band to the top band, and became the best by the end of sophomore year. It's all about consistent practice with specific goals in mind. To learn more about trumpet playing, I recommend looking at Pops McLaughlin's website and videos. Buy his e-book, Tensionless Playing. There are no exercises, but it is an invaluable resource.